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Arthur Semyonov
Arthur Semyonov

Crystal Icr Software Crack 293 !LINK!

Abstract:Thermal stresses are generated in concrete during the accelerated curing process in precast concrete. These stresses may cause concrete to crack, which would have a negative effect on the general concrete performance. This paper provides the results of the thermal stress analysis of concrete containing 25% replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) by ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement (GGBFS) with 3000 cm2/g fineness. A total of 2.5% of limestone powder and 1.75% of fine gypsum by mass of OPC were incorporated in the other concrete mix proportion to check their effect on the cracking tendency of concrete. The concrete was subjected to heat curing. JCMAC, a 3D finite element analysis software developed in Japan, was used in this study for the thermal stress analysis. The heat curing period of one day, similar to generally used in the precast concrete industry for civil engineering products consisting of 3 h preheating period, heating to a peak temperature of 65 C and this temperature was kept for 3 h, and lastly cooling was used in the study. A standard precast box culvert model member together with some experimental results obtained in the laboratory were used in the analysis. Lower cracking resistance at 1 day was observed in both mix proportions that would lead to cracking at demolding time. Curing sheets were then introduced in the analysis to cover the precast mold during accelerated curing and this showed improvement in cracking resistance of concrete containing limestone powder and fine gypsum.Keywords: heat curing; ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement; autogenous shrinkage; 3D FEM analysis; cracking index

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Analysis of matrix crystallization from solutions of different matrix concentration. Solutions of sinapinic acid in 50: 50 acetonitrile/0.1% TFA in water at concentrations of (A) 10 mg/mL, (B) 20 mg/mL, and (C) saturated (>30 mg/mL). The spectra obtained from solutions spotted on mouse liver tissue sections showed that the greater the concentration of matrix, the greater the crystal coverage, and the better the resulting mass spectrum. Reprinted with permission from ref95. Copyright 2003 Wiley Interscience.

Analysis of matrix crystallization on tissue. Comparison of three different matrices, (A) SA, (B) DHB, and (C) HCCA at concentration 20 mg/mL (in 50:50 acetonitrile/0.1% TFA in water). SA and HCCA form dense crystals on the tissue, while DHB does not crystallize on the rim of the spot. Reprinted with permission from ref95. Copyright 2003 Wiley Interscience.


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